Megan North Shuford | So, what exactly is a love jar?

So, what exactly is a love jar?

So, what exactly is a love jar?

Posted by Megan in The Love Jar Project 08 Jan 2014



1. a vehicle for connection, surprise, joy and/or wonder.

2. a glass jar (typically of the quart sized mason variety) filled with notes of appreciation and love, inspirational prose, and a few wee special gift items, talismans or trinkets; can be gifted to loved ones, friends, strangers or even lovingly to an enemy or frenemy.lovejarone


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  • Rebecca January 8, 2014 at 9:45 pm /

    I love you!!!

    • Rebecca January 8, 2014 at 9:46 pm /

      You are a jar of love.

      • mnshuford January 9, 2014 at 11:28 am /

        Back at you babysitter Becky :).