Megan North Shuford | Love Jars

Love Jars


Welcome to The Love Jar Project!
 What is a love jar?

A glass jar (typically of the quart sized mason variety) filled with notes of appreciation and love, inspirational prose, and a few wee special gift items, talismans or trinkets; can be gifted to loved ones, friends or strangers.

How does it work?

Megan and her team of volunteers fill the jars with notes of encouragement and wonderful gifts.  Then, the jars are distributed in various cities and left in random places to be found and taken home by whomever happens by and finds the jar.  Megan also mails the love jars to random folks she finds via the whitepages.  And a few jars are shared with folks she knows could especially use a love jar.

Why are you doing The Love Jar Project?

There are so many reasons!  One of the most important ones is to share a reminder to folks of that sense of wonder at the fact that every day that we live on this earth, there is an opportunity for something very unexpected and wonderful to happen, be it very small or very large.  I also hope to inspire folks to do their own random acts of kindness as well as remind you that love is around us at all times!

How can I help?

Interested in connecting further with The Love Jar Project?  Email megan at or send in a note to The Love Jar Project at PO Box 20971 Winston-Salem, NC 27120.   Find us on facebook and twitter as well. If you would like to make a donation to the Love Jar Project you can click on the donate button below or mail checks (payable to Megan North Shuford) c/o The Love Jar Project PO Box 20971 Winston-Salem, NC 27120.

Help fund The Love Jar Project by donating now!  Just click the donate button below or email Megan at if you have any questions.


Click here to read a terrific article about the Love Jar Project written by Layla Garms of The Chronicle of Winston-Salem!!

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